2011 Kia SoulMileage115,204Service Date12/4/2024Services PerformedPURGE CONTROL VALVE – Remove & Replace DEREK W. gave our service a 5 star review on 12/4/2024
2015 Kia ForteMileage147,094Service Date11/12/2024Services PerformedREMOVE AND REPLACE IGNITION WITH NEW KEYREMOVED AND REPLACED IGNITION WITH NEW KEY ALISA B. gave our service a 5 star review on 11/12/2024
2013 Kia OptimaMileage120,461Service Date10/2/2024Services PerformedDISC ROTOR & PAD – Remove & Replace – Rear,Both Sides – [Includes: Replace Pads (if necessary). DOES NOT include refinishing.] Jane F. gave our service a 5 star review on 10/3/2024
2007 Kia RioMileage150,251Service Date9/20/2024Services PerformedINSPECT BRAKES ALL THE WAY AROUND. TEST DRIVE GRINDING NOISE FULL INSPECTIONREMOVE AND REPLACE FRONT PADS AND ROTORS Linda H. gave our service a 5 star review on 9/20/2024